Saturday, March 31, 2007

el fin


I don't know how I feel about this one. I think it starts strong, but it gets weak in the end.
I was so unsure of how to curve everything back around.

I'm going to let it stew for a few hours before I go back and revise.

The Day's Progress

A paragraph

Due to this lack of connection, I’ve had to resort to other means of enjoying myself. I take particular interest in exploration. Yet, not many I’ve found would be willing to join me in simply walking around New York City and giving into impulses. For example, I recently went into town and met with a few friends (whom I’d previously known) to just walk around. We ended up downtown, in Battery Park for a bit and then headed up to Chinatown for dinner in the first place that looked good. I’m glad I have that with at least a few people, but I’d to expand that. I want to come home after 4 years and be able to say I did some pretty cool things while at school, not just with a piece of paper that says I’ve learned things. I crave experiences like this. This, to me, is what college is about. Not necessarily learning things in class, but gaining life experience, and knowledge from the nouns (people, places and things) around you. I am no longer a stranger to New York City, and I wish to share my own experiences with someone new. Everything ends up back at people. NYU offers a larger student base with which I can explore. My current situation severally limits the people who I come in contact with, and this needs to change. I am an open-minded person, I am accepting and I don’t get hung up on things like politics or religion. However, open mindedness is a two-way door, and as I have discussed before, it is not always easy.
Beyond people, and experience (and experience with people), however, are ideas. I need a place to foster my ideas, a place where I can explore them without fear (contrived or not) of ridicule. Someplace where thoughts don’t end at the classroom door. I feel like my thoughts and ideas in class are genuine, while others are not. I feel, in fact I know, that many students live double lives. Their school life and the outside school life. One in which they let ideas flow, and one where they are stifled in favor of “entertainment.”

Friday, March 30, 2007

Why Can't I get Shit Done?!

This is annoying.

I mean, seriously, what the hell is my problem? Why can't I get past this dam essay?

Short entry, I enjoy my sisters home made chocolate cheese cake until I finish my essay and blog about it.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


for reference:
Transfers only: Please discuss your interest in transferring to New York University. Explain your reasons for wanting to leave your current college or university (or if not currently in attendance, why you left the last institution you attended), and describe how you feel your educational goals can be better achieved at NYU.

Bodies 1 & 2
A staple of my ideal university experience includes passionate discussion and debate not just in, but out of class as well. So far, this has eluded me. While I find some of my classes a great platform for probing and prodding issues for greater understanding (a joy of mine), generally this does not leave the classroom. On only a rare occasion have I been able to continue such debate outside of class, and even then the debates have lasted for the duration of the walk back to the dorm rooms. In all honesty, it annoys me. Not so much that I have no sparing partner, rather that those who have the capacity to continue and enjoy said discussion, would rather go get intoxicated instead. I hope I do not sound aloof or naïve, this is not my intention (and I would say the opposite of who I am). It is just a certain set of circumstances are working against my satisfaction in my current setting. One, most students I interact with are from the tri-state area (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut), and have cars. Two, the top the subjects of commonality are Business, Nursing, and Sports in that order. Three, in some but not all cases a “high-school” mentality still exists. By this I mean the ideals of popularity contents, partying like it is the end of the world, and excessive use of certain taboo insults. Let me also make clear that none of the people I have run into are undesirable. Despite traits that I dislike, nobody I have run into is a “bad” person, rather one that I personally have trouble connecting with.
Due to this lack of connection, I’ve had to resort to other means of enjoying myself. For example, I take particular interest in exploration. Yet, nobody I’ve found would be willing to join me in simply walking around New York City and giving into impulses. For example, I recently went into town and met with a few friends (whom I’d previously known) to just walk around. We ended up downtown, in Battery Park for a bit and then headed up to Chinatown for dinner in the first place that looked good. I’m glad I have that with at least a few people, but I’d to expand that. I want to come home after 4 years and be able to say I did some pretty cool things while at school, not just with a piece of paper that says I’m educated.
This is the other th


Just an intro for now. I'm still working on everything...probably should speed this up a bit though (it being due Sunday an' all...)
(size enhanced for readability)
I consistently fail to see how the name of an educational institution dictates the type of education received. Quite frankly, expert education (sans a few specific things) can be received at many, if not all, accredited universities and colleges. The question arises then, why (if I believe that good and bad professors exists everywhere, and that essentially all schools are equal in that regard) would I even consider leaving a 4-year university where I stand a good chance of graduating with a high GPA, and perhaps even honors status? I would respond to this query by asking a question of my own: what good is the time spent earning the degree, if I am unhappy for the duration? University is more than just working towards a career goal. Cliché would say that these are the best years of my life, and I have no reason to disagree. Basically, I’ve been given 4 years to be an adult on my own, but have most things paid for. All the while, taking time to learn about anything and everything I am interested in. Before education comes people, experiences, and ideas.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Don't you just hate it when you know you have to do something, but you just keep putting it off?

You say:
"I'll do it in the morning...I'm about to collapse on my keyboard."
"I have the whole day" the days goes by, "there's always tomorrow".

I want to know, why do we do this? I know perfectly well that everything is much easier if I do it now, and the reward is much greater, yet I (and we as a species really) contentiously put things off against our better judgment and common sense.


You also notice how you hate what you look like in pictures? I hate photos of myself.
Not related, sorry...whatever.

Monday, March 19, 2007


EDIT: here's a better one (thanks to Rachel C), just not AS personal:

but I'm not going to lie...a creepy photo...(I didn't have time to change my pose :P)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Nervous Knot

I don't just kinda "hit" me.
Only moments ago, I've got that weird nervous/excitement feeling you get in your stomach. I can't quite explain "why" either...
I mean, I can think of reasons, but nothing that would cause this intense feeling.

I don't know, perhaps I am feeling a little bit of pressure to get certain "things" in.
Or perhaps I've just been struck by the fact that it's MARCH!!

Hell, where did THAT come from? March!? Already?! But 2007 JUST started?! How can we be in March already?
And what does that mean? It means that we are THAT much closer to April..which means I am near 8 weeks away from FINISHING FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE.


Let's break that down.
1 week until Spring Break.
2 weeks left in March (school weeks)
4 in April
1 in May
Then...that's it..done. Home until September.
and what does that mean?
Three little letters:
I need to apply for a job too? dam.

Also, housing...need to call them. Get that situation sorted out.
meetings in the city
commute to the city
Daylight Savings?
Re-read 1984...
Defend atheism...
re-evaluate relationship status with certain individuals
re-evaluate college life it's self
re-evaluate the whole dame situation.

Oh, and my dog of 11 years died a few weeks ago.


I really should get more articulate in this blog, write essays instead perhaps.