Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Day's Progress

A paragraph

Due to this lack of connection, I’ve had to resort to other means of enjoying myself. I take particular interest in exploration. Yet, not many I’ve found would be willing to join me in simply walking around New York City and giving into impulses. For example, I recently went into town and met with a few friends (whom I’d previously known) to just walk around. We ended up downtown, in Battery Park for a bit and then headed up to Chinatown for dinner in the first place that looked good. I’m glad I have that with at least a few people, but I’d to expand that. I want to come home after 4 years and be able to say I did some pretty cool things while at school, not just with a piece of paper that says I’ve learned things. I crave experiences like this. This, to me, is what college is about. Not necessarily learning things in class, but gaining life experience, and knowledge from the nouns (people, places and things) around you. I am no longer a stranger to New York City, and I wish to share my own experiences with someone new. Everything ends up back at people. NYU offers a larger student base with which I can explore. My current situation severally limits the people who I come in contact with, and this needs to change. I am an open-minded person, I am accepting and I don’t get hung up on things like politics or religion. However, open mindedness is a two-way door, and as I have discussed before, it is not always easy.
Beyond people, and experience (and experience with people), however, are ideas. I need a place to foster my ideas, a place where I can explore them without fear (contrived or not) of ridicule. Someplace where thoughts don’t end at the classroom door. I feel like my thoughts and ideas in class are genuine, while others are not. I feel, in fact I know, that many students live double lives. Their school life and the outside school life. One in which they let ideas flow, and one where they are stifled in favor of “entertainment.”


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