Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Short Film

For whatever psychological, subconscious reason, I continue to have difficulty in completing classwork in a timely manner. This is not to say that it does not get done, rather that I have emense difficulty getting it done over the entire period of time assinged to do it; in short: I do it during the proverbial 11th hour.

This is nothing new, by any means, but I have the feeling that getting good grades on papers done literally an hour before class time is re-enforcing the bad behavior.

The annoying part is that I fully recognize the problems, and the problem areas. I also recognize how I am doing things, and how I SHOULD be doing things. The disconnect is in the line that links the too. I have tried several different approaches to doing work in a timely manner, yet I never seem to quite get it right.

In any case, while recently procrastinating, I started to brainstorm about a paper I needed to write, and this lead to fantasy about film directing.
Well, it actually first lead to memory of stage play direction, and then lead into thoughts about great cinematography, and THEN led to the brainstorm about creating a really cool film as an experiment with the camera.

I've always loved great camera work, and I am a particular fan of the long take (Wells was a master of this, as evidenced by Citizen Kane, or Touch of Evil).

In any case, this brainstorm continues to pester me, and I'm considering investing in a small, but good DV camera to start shooting some shorts.

But first, I will glue myself to this fucking chair and get this paper done.

Other Life Notes:
  • Going to Boston on Friday
  • Going to South Dakota on Tuesday
  • Back in NYC on Saturday
  • Back in LA hopefully by the 20th of December
  • Major: Declaring Communications with a Film and Screen Studies minor, or a double major in Communications and Film and Screen Studies
  • I need to take a Science course next semester. I'm looking at Biology or Chemistry.

Trains, Planes and Automobiles.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you take biology, you will learn that us "viscous" platypuses are not slimy, but semifluid. We move gracefully across smooth surfaces due to internal friction.

We are not to be confused with "vicious" platypuses. They're just assholes.

8:27 PM  
Blogger transiit said...

monotreme rage!

8:29 PM  

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