Monday, October 08, 2007

Academics n' Insomnia

Yay old procrastination habits!
I may have been too easy on myself this semester. There is no balance at all, I'm all out of whack. I've had little difficulty with all but one of my classes. Let me explain:

All but one of my classes are in the afternoons, so I can sleep in, but I'm done in time to have my day. Not to mention, most of the classes are very laid back. I enjoy the lax attitudes, but that combined with their scheduled times has lead me to not start papers until very near their due dates. It also completely crushed my study habits. As a result, the one difficult class has multiplied in difficulty ten fold. Japanese requires constant study to keep up, but I don't feel any pressure to actually study for it...even though I really DO want to learn it.

All this has lead to my sleep schedule being thrown off too. I went to bed at 3am the other night, and woke up at! 5pm!

I'm going to try and get a little more zen, start talking more afternoon walks (perhaps start a morning jog), and start drinking real good hot tea, instead of the canned Arizona green tea I keep buying for $0.99 at the corner store.


PS: Yet to order internet steak, will do so soon.


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