Leaving on a Jet Plane

There's more to post, but I need time to write it all out. It's been quite a trip getting to where I am now. Stupid dent. AND! I left my Bose headphones case on the plane! Thankfully the headphones are with me but, still, I lost all the batteries and attachments I had...:(
As I right this I am siting in seat 10A on American Airlines flight 118 KLAX-KJFK. Captain says we are at FL370 (37,000ft), and I assume our speed over the ground is between 500 and 600kts. Because I am geeky like that, the aircraft type is a Boeing 767-200 (B762). The time now is 9:40a.m L.A. time.
I woke up this morning at 4:00a.m. on the dot. Rose quickly and took a business shower, finished packing and did my "idiot" checks. In my haste I forgot to install my copy of Microsoft Office for Mac...oops. When I land I'l download the freeware, open source version for use until I can get a new copy. Thankfully I have iWork so I don't need to worry about PowerPoint, but Word is still a nice program (despite it being Microsoft).
Also, I don't have an official laptop case. This morning I put it the MacBook Pro I'm using now in my carryon (it has a space for the laptop). However, it seems somehow, something bumped into it and there is now a small dent on the front left side! Bah, I'm pretty sure this is covered by my AppleCare, but I figure I'll ask about it when I go buy Office for Mac. For now, I have to deal (but it's REALLY annoying considering this laptop is is less than a week old). Any tips Aaron? I'll take a pic with my cell and upload it when I land. For now I'm going to sit back, relax and enjoy business class.

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